This Site is ©2007
Thinkbotics and Karl Williams all rights reserved
Length: 28 inches
Height: 2.5 inches
Width: 2.5 inches
Processor: Microchip Pic 16F84A\20
Sensor: Single channel infrared mounted on head Construction:
Light weight Aluminum. 6 body segments plus head and tail Actuators: 6 Standard
R/C servos Power source: one 9-volt and 6-volt battery packs
Notes: The robot has the ability to scan the area for obstacles in
front, and to its sides by lifting the first segment and then moving the head
from side to side while taking sensor readings.

The snake consists of 6 segements and a head, with each segement being powered
by an R\C servo. The segments alternate in orientation so that the first segment
moves in a horizontal direction and the next segment moves in a vertical direction.
This sequence repeats itself for all 6 segments and the head. This gives the
snake enough flexibility to move its body segments through sequences that achieve
locomotion in much the same way that a biological snake does. The microcontroller
is used to sequence the movement of each of the body segments via servos. To
produce a forward movement, the snake moves its body in a sine wave pattern
vertically with a slight side to side movement of the horizontal segements.
When the robot is turning, the same sine wave pattern occurs in the vertical
moving body segments but the snakes body will also need to oscillate between
the middle position and a position where the body is arched to the left or right,
depending which way it is turning. Rubber gripper pieces were added to the underside
of the snakes body.

The goal of this project was to design and build a robot snake that could move
much like its biological counterpart. This robot has the ability to explore
autonomously, avoid obstacles using an infrared sensor and can also be guided
by radio control. A robot snake is ideal for traversing rough terrain and keeping
a low profile. This robot has many applications such as exploration, reconnaissance
missions, remote sensing in hostile areas, land mine detection, and maintenance
work inside narrow passageways.
If you would like more information about the Serpentronic robot snake or would
like to build your own then pick up the book. Amphibionics contains the complete
instructions needed to build and program this fascinating robot along with three
other robots.
Buy the electronic version here: