Plans, Board and Brains
The Hexatron Robot Design And Construction Manual
The complete plans to build a two motor, six legged walking robot with a
pic 16F819 microcontroller brain and infrared obstacle avoidance capabilities.
Have fun building this robot as described in the plans or customize it to
your own specifications.
Topics include:
- mechanical construction
- printed cicuit board fabrication
- electronics
- Analog to digital converters / feedback
- motor control
- infrared sensors
- programming
- walking gaits
- experiments
36 pages of high quality printed instructions and detailed diagrams insure
that your robot will be a success!
Hexatron Plans (Printed) with full size metal cutting and drilling templates-----------------$12.00
Hexatron Circuit Board------------------------------------------------------------------$15.00
Hexatron Programmed Pic16F819 Microcontroller--------------------------------------$13.00
Jacobs Ladder Printed Circuit Board-----------------------------------------------------$12.00
Fully Assembled Jacobs Ladder Project--------------------------------------------------$90.00
Eight Channel Servo Controller Circuit Board
The serial servo controller (SSC) accepts serial information via a DB9
connector and sets each of the servos according to the information recieved
by the onboard microcontroller. The microcontroller stores each value in memory
and constantly updates each servo so that the desired positions are held.
This project is featured in the book, "Build Your Own Humanoid Robots"
where it is used to control a robot arm from a personal computer. The SSC
is also used to control servos by interfacing it to any other microcontroller
or device that can output serial infromation. Another example of an application
featured in the Humaoind robotics book is a voice recognition circuit that
is easily interfaced to the CCS.
Serial Servo Controller Printed Circuit Board-------------------------------------$15.00
SSC programmed 16F84 PIC Microcontroller-----------------------------------$13.00
Serial Servo Controller Software-------------------------------------------------Free
High Quality Solid Aluminum Construction
This standard servo gripper applies even pressure to each side of the object being lifted. The unique mechanical design keeps each gripper finger parallel and eliminates any "scissor angling" that often causes objects to be forced out of the gripper as pressure is applied. The sturdy aluminum construction and solid design will give your robot reliable grasping power to move objects. A great addition to mobile robots or robot arm projects. The fingers open 4 inches wide.
Parallel Servo Gripper Including Standard Servo-------------------------------------------------------------$40.00
Printed Parallel Servo Gripper Plans Including Full Size Aluminum Cutting
Templates-------------------------$7.00 Each