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Serpentronic Robot Snake
Measuring 28 inches in length, this robot has the ability to move much like a real snake. There are no wheels on the underside of the body. This is the real thing! This robot is featured in the Amphibionics book.
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Insectronic Hexapod Robot
A six legged, 3 servo robot. This project includes infrared obstacle avoidance, sonar range finding, room mapping, radio control and a gripper.
Insectronics Book.

Hexatron Walking Robot Another six legged robot. This one uses a twin-motor gearbox and an interesting mechanical configuration. Also, an inexpensive H-bridge motor controller, leg position sensors, and the Sharp GP2D12 infrared sensor.

Bipedal Walking Robot
Walks on two legs with the help of a microcontroller and the same electronics as the Hexatron robot. Also uses a twin-motor gearbox, an inexpensive H-bridge motor controller, leg position sensors, and the Sharp GP2D12 infrared sensor. Humanoid Robotics book.

Robot Arm With Speech Recognition
This project is made up of four smaller components - the arm, gripper, serial computer interface and the stand alone speech recognition circuit. The details to build this fun project are included in my Humanoid Robotics book.